Despite how hard we try to make sense of our lives and figure out the reasons why everything happens we never really do. Life is a huge blur and you know what?
I've learned to accept it and embrace it.
Life is meant to be full of surprises so if we find out the pattern or the reasoning or whatever it is we won't get the joy of the wonderful surprises god has out there for us.
And yes life does throw us some horrible times. Trust me I know. Times of pure sadness and hardships and even maybe depression and it seems like it will never end!
But then something crazy happens.
And life finds a way to make you happy. like actually happy.
And you realize that had you never been so sad and so low you wouldn't appreciate how happy you are now.
And then you begin to realize and appreciate all the great things in your life. And that just makes you be happier and happier. And people may come around and try to hurt you or try to bring you down but it doesnt matter cuz in the end youre still happy.
And even thats a blur. the exact reason for your happiness is a complete blur. But you dont care. As long as youre happy right?
i mean thats all we want in this life right?
is to be happy and successful.
Except for me happiness is success.
success is being happy the way you are and with what you have and that's it. if you reach that point in life you are successful.
so bring on the blurriness. I'll just take it and make the best of it. =]
~till next time