i LOVE photography

i LOVE photography

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

non posso crederlo

I can't believe it! I'm happyyy!! Lol
Ok soo in reality I shouldn't be happy. Like I did some stupid shit and got the response that I knew I would get and I should be sad but for some reason I am soooo happy. I got home and just got in an "I'm good" mood and then my sister came home in a really good mood and that put me in a really good mood as well. And then vidivel texting me odhee tipsy its sooo funny.

But yea the reason why I had to take the time out to make this a blog is that I was showering and I was tryna figure out why I was sooo happyy and I couldn't pin point a reason. And that made me even happier.
Cuz its not like all the other times when something good happens so I get happy, basically conditional happiness. This wasn't that I'm just happy and its an amazing feeling. idk how it happened nor why and idc either I love god for making this happen ahhhhhh xD!! Ok I'm gone!

~till next time